Kevin Foukelman Real Estate Agent

With 16 years of experience in the real estate field, my passion has evolved into a true calling. Every project I undertake becomes a unique story, where empathetic listening and personalized support are the guiding principles of my approach. Accompanying you in your real estate dreams is not just a mission but a profound source of personal fulfillment.

I am committed to putting my responsiveness at the service of your ambitions, while allowing you to benefit from the network I have patiently built over nearly a decade in the La Rochelle area. This region, rich in culture and history, is a true treasure that I love to explore, revealing its architectural secrets and hidden stories.

Always seeking personal growth, theater has become a school of life for me. It brings me spontaneity, social ease, and an ever-renewed capacity for adaptation—qualities I use to meet your expectations with precision and creativity.

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